2016年12月2日,美国莱斯大学生物工程系助理教授Jeffrey J. Tabor博士应我院吴辉副教授邀请访问beat365体育官网平台与生物反应器工程国家重点实验室,并作题为“Rewiring the DNA binding domains of bacterial two-component system response regulator proteins”的精彩学术报告,beat365体育官网平台全舒教授等教师和同学参加了本次学术报告会,报告会由吴辉副教授主持。
Dr. Tabor got his Ph.D on Molecular Biology at University of Texas at Austin in 2006, and worked with Prof Christ Voigt in Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco as Postdoctoral Fellow on Synthetic Biology from 2006 to 2010. In 2010, he joined the Department of Bioengineering of Rice University as an Assistant Professor. He received NSF CAREER Award in 2016. He is the Editorial Board Member of ACS Synthetic Biology and Referee of Science, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods, Nature Chemical Biology, etc. Projects in Tabor's laboratory at Rice U include using light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation to control the activities in proteins inside of cells in real time, constructing synthetic transcriptional and post-translational signaling circuits, programming cells to communicate using unnatural signals, and combining all of these technologies to program synthetic multicellular behaviors. His works were published on Cell, Nature, Nature Methods, Nature Chemical Biology, ACS Nano, ACS Synth Biol, etc.